Clear Customers in SAP

“Clear Customers in SAP – can you help?”

When discussing clearing of open items in SAP with our Clients, one common question arises is because of the following common issues across SAP businesses managing their Customer Accounts:

·        A single lump sum payment is made into the bank account.

·        This payment may be for multiple customer accounts.

·        A detailed Remittance is sent for the payment – detailing numerous Invoices, Credit notes, discounts etc.

And finally, and most importantly:

·        Someone spends a day allocating the payment to the detailed Customer line items to reconcile the payment, to the remittance, to the Customer account.

 If these issues sound at all familiar, then the BEST Debtors Remit module may be the answer to reduce considerable time spent to clear Customers in SAP.

 How does the BEST Debtors Remit Module help me to clear Customers in SAP?

Leveraging off the advanced clearing functionality provided by the BEST GL Clearing module, BEST Debtors Remit allows for the upload of your Customer Remittance into SAP. The lump sum payment is replaced by line item Remittance detail posted directly to your customers SAP account. With the lump sum payment now detailed at a line item level – with line item references – the BEST GL Clearing can work its magic to match and clear your Customer account items against its respective Remittance line.

 To save time as you clear Customers in SAP, the BEST Debtors Remit module can automatically determine the Customer account to post the Remittance line to, using the Billing Document or Delivery Note number provided on the Remittance. This is particularly useful for instances where one payment is made for multiple SAP customer accounts. This eliminates the need to split the payment and the remittance lines to multiple Customer accounts manually. Simply load one file and have the remittance lines posted to the all the relevant Customer accounts (once validated against your Master Data set up.)

The BEST Debtors Remit module therefore allows for the following key benefits when you Clear Customers in SAP:

·        Posting of detailed Remittance lines to ensure accurate and automated matching to Customer Line items.

·        Automatic determination of Customer Account for Remittance line allocation based on Billing Document and Delivery note references.

·        Uncleared Remittance lines are detailed on Customer Statement for their attention.

·        Short Payments can remain on the account for follow up or be cleared using residual item functionality developed in BEST GL Clearing.

·        Considerable time saving due to automated Remittance posting and automated clearing performed.

Leveraging off programmatic lookups, matching and automated processing, the BEST Debtors Remit module can reduce time spent to Clear Customers in SAP and ensure you have error and query free Customer Accounts Balances.

Contact the BEST team for a demo of the BEST Debtors Remit module.